Dr. Gerwin Kasperek: Summary zur Publikation

"Landschaftsökologische Aspekte von Braunkohlentagebau und Rekultivierung im Rheinischen Revier."

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Kasperek, Gerwin (2001): Landschaftsökologische Aspekte von Braunkohlentagebau und Rekultivierung im Rheinischen Revier. In: Geographische Rundschau 53, Heft 9/2001: 28-33.


"Landscape ecology of lignite open-cast mining and land reclamation in the Western Rhineland (Germany) - some aspects inferred from floristic analysis"
The largest forest area in the Western Niederrheinische Bucht will be destroyed by the open-cast mine Hambach, one of the „deepest holes“ of the world. Open-cast mining also affects neighbouring wetlands by lowering groundwater tables. The impact of these two processes on landscape ecology is documented by floristic data from four different landscape units near the town Jülich. Land reclaimed for forestry about twenty years ago shows a relatively high plant species diversity, although many plants are ephemeral and until recently, woodland species from the former forests are poorly represented. Although there have been significant advances in reclamation techniques, there is still room for improvement from an ecological viewpoint. Because of their high ecological value, wetlands surrounding the open-cast mines must be protected from potential impacts. The riparian corridor is by far the most species-rich landscape unit.

List of recorded species / Liste der nachgewiesenen Gefäßpflanzen

The list of species recorded in the four different landscape units was not included in the print version, but was placed on the publisher's internet site. The list is here, as well.
Die Liste der in den vier Untersuchungsräumen nachgewiesenen Gefäßpflanzensippen wurde in der Printfassung nicht wiedergegeben, sondern vom Verlag auf dessen Internetseite platziert. Die Liste gibt es auch hier.

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Letzte Aktualisierung dieser Seite: 29.09.2004