Talks given by Thomas Risse
Invited Talks
- Web archive research and the role of (digital) academic libraries
RESAW@Porto2018 (in conjunction with TPDL 2018), 13 September 2018, Porto, Portugal.
- Identity Management an den hessischen Hochschulen
4. HeBIS Verbundkonferenz. September 26, 2017
- Digital Humanities in Universitätsbibliotheken (in collaboration with Marko Knepper and Wolfgang Stille). Tagung der Initiative "Digital Humanities" im Rhein-Main-Gebiet. September 21, 2017. Mainz, Germany
- Improving the Freshness of Web Collections by Integrating Social Web and Focused Web Crawling
2016 IFLA International News Media Conference. April 20-22, 2016. Hamburg, Germany
- Documenting Contemporary Society by Preserving Relevant Information from Twitter
Colloquium "D1G1TAL HER1TAGE" - Institute of European Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology (University Hamburg). January 6, 2016. Hamburg, Germany
- Web Observatory: Chancen und Probleme bei der Web-Archivierung
Internetlinguistik und Korpusanalyse 2015. May 1, 2015. Hannover, Germany
- Challenges and Approaches for Web Archive Creation and Usage
XV Congress of Catalan Archivists. May 29, 2015. Lleida, Spain
- The Role of Language Evolution in Digital Archives
April 20, 2015. KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea
- From Web Page Storage to Living Web Archives
JISC, the DPC and the UK Web Archiving Consortium Workshop - missing links: the enduring web, 21st July 2009, The British Library, London
- Tools and Infrastructures for Cultural Scientists
IuD e-Science-Workshop; 25. - 27.5.2006, Tokyo, Japan
- Elektronische Geschäftsberichte: Wo geht die Reise hin?
CFO Gipfel, 18-20 Juni 2006, 18-20 Juni 2006, Montreux, Switzerland
- Service Oriented Computing
FiTech Gipfel, 22.-24. Juni 2003, Monte Carlo
Panels & Tutorials
- Thomas Risse, Claudia Niederée
Self-organizing Personal and Institutional Information Management: Challenges, Technologies and Lessons Learned (Half Day Tutorial);
Feburary, 27, 2008. Phitsanulok, Thailand; DEST 2008
- Approaches for Large Scale Digital Library (Invited 2hrs Tutorial)
October, 15, 2007. Pereslavl, Russia; RCDL 2007
- Massimo Bertoncini, Thomas Risse, Carlo Meghini, Jill Cousins, Britta Woldering, Rossella Caffo, David Dawson, Yoannis Yoannidis, Donatella Castelli
On the move towards the European Digital Library: BRICKS, TEL, MICHAEL and DELOS converging experiences (Panel)
September, 17, 2007. Budapest, Hungary; ECDL 2007
- Thomas Risse, Carlo Meghini, Heiko Schuldt, Claudia Niederée
Approaches for Large Scale Digital Library Infrastructures by Example (Half Day Tutorial)
September, 16, 2007. Budapest, Hungary; ECDL 2007
- Thomas Risse, Donatella Castelli, Carlo Meghini, Heiko Schuldt, Claudia Niederée, Pasquale Pagano, George Kakaletris
Building Digital Libraries on Service Oriented Architectures: Challenges, Experiences, and Results (Full Day Tutorial)
June, 19, 2007. Vancouver, Canada; JCDL 2007
- Thomas Risse, Claudia Niederée, Yannis Ioanidis, Carlo Meghini, Heiko Schuldt
Bringing Digital Libraries to Distributed Infrastructures: Challenges, Solutions, and Lessons Learned (Full Day Tutorial)
September, 17, 2006. Alicante, Spain; ECDL 2006