Curriculum Vitae


Prof. Dr. Mike Heilemann

Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Goethe-University Frankfurt

Max-von-Laue-Str. 7

60438 Frankfurt, Germany

Tel.: +49 69 798 29424 (Secr.), -29736

Fax: +49 69 798 29560






2002-05          Ph.D. in Physics, Bielefeld University, Germany

1996-2001     Diploma in Chemistry, Heidelberg University


Employment and Research Experience

2012-             Full Professor (W3), Goethe-University Frankfurt, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Germany

2011-12        Assistant Professor (W2) for Biophysics, University of Würzburg, Germany

2007-11        Junior Group Leader, Physics Department, Bielefeld University, Germany

2005-07        Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. A. Kapanidis, University of Oxford, UK


Honors and Awards

2013              St. John’s Oversea Fellowship, University of Cambridge, UK

2012              EPA-PPA paper prize, European Photochemistry Association

2008-13        BMBF junior research group, FORSYS program on systems biology

2006-07        DAAD fellowship

2001-02        Egide fellowship


Research Interests

·    Quantitative super-resolution microscopy in cell biology

·    Molecular organization and dynamics of receptor tyrosine kinases in the plasma membrane

·    Nanoscale organization of the E. coli chromatin


Memberhip in Professional Societies

Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie, European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI), Biophysical Society, European Photophysical Association (EPA), American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB)